Com a definição da equipe nacional na seletiva deste sábado, em Vitória, no Espírito Santo, o judô gaúcho conta com 12 atletas na Seleção, sendo seis deles entre os dois melhores classificados da categoria: Felipe Kitadai, Moacir Mendes, Taciana Lima, Maria Portela, Natália Bordignon e Mayra Aguiar. O sexteto garantiu investimentos maiores da CBJ entre 2011-2012. O restante assegurou presença nos eventos no Brasil, que também contam pontos no ranking mundial.
Muitas alegrias e uma baixa em Vitória
Quatro atletas do Rio Grande do Sul venceram a seletiva de Vitória, confirmando presença na Seleção Brasileira: Moacir Mendes (73kg), Renan Nunes (100kg), Walter Santos (+100kg) e Maria Portela (70kg). Entretanto, todos os outros nove participantes do Estado se classificaram no mínimo entre os top-4 de suas categorias, garantindo, assim, a vaga no Grand Slam carioca e no torneio de São Paulo. É o caso de João Derly (73kg), Diego Ferreira (60kg), Manoela Braga (53kg),Rochele Nunes (+78kg) e Natalia Bordignon (70kg). Todos eles são judocas da Sogipa.
O final do peso médio feminino, inclusive, foi gaúcho, na disputa entre Maria Portela e Natália Bordignon. A primeira levou a melhor ao vencer duas das três lutas que teve com Natália. Porém, no final, a comemoração foi dupla, pois as duas se garantiram como principais postulantes a representar o Brasil em Londres na categoria.
A nota baixa da seletiva foi a lesão do bicampeão mundial João Derly, que voltou a competir após 15 meses. Ele havia sido derrotado por Moacir Mendes no primeiro confronto. Quando enfrentava Marcelo Contini, sentiu o joelho e precisou abandonar o combate.
“Estou muito chateado. Estava muito feliz em voltar aos tatames e fazer o que eu mais gosto. É uma pena que eu tenha me lesionado mais uma vez. Faz parte do esporte”, lamenta ele, que ficou com a quarta vaga na categoria 73kg. No retorno a Porto Alegre, ele será melhor avaliado e precisará do tempo de recuperação.
Seleção brasileira 2011
Felipe Kitadai (RS) – Classificado ranking mundial
Breno Alves (SP) – Vencedor da seletiva final
Diego Santos (RS)
Daniel Moraes (MG)
Leandro Cunha (SP) – Classificado ranking mundial
Luis Revite (SP) – Vencedor da seletiva final
Charles Chibana (SP)
Alex Pombo (MG)
Bruno Mendonça (SP) – Classificado ranking mundial
Moacir Mendes Jr (RS) – Vencedor da seletiva final
Marcelo Contini (SP)
João Derly (RS)
Leandro Guilheiro (SP) – Classificado ranking mundial
Flávio Canto (RJ) – Classificado ranking mundial
Nacif Elias (MG) – Classificado ranking mundial
Felipe Costa (SP) – Vencedor da seletiva final
Hugo Pessanha (MG) – Classificado ranking mundial
Tiago Camilo (SP) – Classificado ranking mundial
Bruno Ferreira (RJ) – Vencedor da seletiva final
*Vaga indefinida por lesão do atleta Felipe Oliveira (SP)
Luciano Corrêa (MG) – Classificado ranking mundial
Leonardo Leite (RJ) – Classificado ranking mundial
Renan Nunes (RS) – Vencedor da seletiva final
Alex Aguiar (SP)
Daniel Hernandes (SP) – Classificado ranking mundial
Rafael Silva (SP) – Classificado ranking mundial
Walter Santos (RS) – Vencedor da seletiva final
Leandro Gonçalves (SP)
Sarah Menezes (PI) – Classificada ranking mundial
Taciana Lima (RS) – Classificada ranking mundial
Nathália Brígida (MG) – Vencedora da seletiva final
Daniela Polzin (RJ)
Érika Miranda (MG) – Classificada ranking mundial
Eleudis Valentin (SP) – Vencedora da seletiva final
Andressa Fernandes (SP)
Milena Mendes (SP)
Rafaela Silva (RJ) – Classificada ranking mundial
Ketleyn Quadros (MG) – Vencedora da seletiva final
Mariana Barros (SP)
Flávia Rodrigues (SP)
Mariana Silva (SP) – Classificada ranking mundial
Katherine Campos (RJ) – Vencedora da seletiva final
Camila Minakawa (SP)
Manoela Braga (RS)
Maria Portela (RS) – Vencedora da seletiva final
Natália Bordginon (RS) – Segunda colocada na seletiva final
Nádia Merli (SP)
Gláucia Lima (SP)
Mayra Aguiar (RS) – Classificada ranking mundial
Samantha Soares (SP) – Vencedora da seletiva final
Deborah Almeida (RJ)
Rosangela Moraes (SC)
Maria Suellen (SP) – Classificada ranking mundial
Cláudirene César (SP) – Vencedora da seletiva final
Rochele Nunes (RS)
Aline Puglia (SP)
Twelve athletes Gauchos fall to Grand Slam and World Cup in Brazil
The Brazilian team will gaucho accent stronger this year. In particular, the two main events that occur in the country this season, the Grand Slam of Rio de Janeiro and the World Cup of São Paulo, both in June. There are 12 state judokas already guaranteed in both competitions. In addition, the RS has six contestants between the two best in class, they will receive greater investment of CBJ 2012.
With the definition of the national team in the qualifying on Saturday in Vitoria, Espirito Santo, Rio Grande do Sul has 12 judo athletes in the squad, six of them between the two top finishers in the category: Felipe Kitadai, Moacir Mendes Taciana Lima, Maria Portela , Natalie Bordignon and Mayra Aguiar. The sextet's biggest CBJ guaranteed investments between 2011-2012. The rest assured presence at events in Brazil, which also count in the world ranking points.
Many joys and low in Vitória
Four athletes from New South Wales won the selective Vitória, confirming the presence in the Brazil squad: Moacir Mendes (73kg), Renan Nunes (100kg), Walter Santos (+100 kg) and Maria Portela (70kg). However, all other nine participants were classified in the state minimum-4 in the top of their categories, thus guaranteeing a place in the Grand Slam tournament in Rio and Sao Paulo. This is the case of João Derly (73kg), Diego Ferreira (60kg), Manoela Braga (53kg), Rochelle Nunes (+78 kg) and Natalia Bordignon (70kg). They are all judo players of Sogipa.
The final average weight of women has even been gaucho, the dispute between Maria Portela and Natalia Bordignon. The first came out on top by winning two of three fights he had with Natalie. But in the end, was double celebration as the two main candidates are pledged to represent Brazil in London in the category.
The low note was the selective lesion of the double world champion João Derly, who returned to racing after 15 months. He had been defeated by Moacir Mendes in the first confrontation. When faced Marcelo Contini, felt his knee and had to abandon the fight.
"I'm very upset. I was very happy to return to the mats and do what I like best. It is a pity that I have injured myself once again. It is part of the sport, "he laments, who won the fourth place in the 73kg category. On returning to Porto Alegre, it will be better evaluated and will need recovery time.
2011 Brazilian Team
Felipe Kitadai (RS) - Rated the world ranking
Breno Alves (SP) - Winner of the final selective
Diego Santos (RS)
Daniel Moraes (MG)
Leandro Cunha (SP) - Rated the world ranking
Luis Revite (SP) - Winner of the final selective
Charles Chibana (SP)
Alex Pombo (MG)
Bruno Mendonça (SP) - Rated the world ranking
Moacir Mendes Jr (RS) - Winner of the final selective
Marcelo Contini (SP)
João Derly (RS)
Leandro Guilheiro (SP) - Rated the world ranking
Flavio Canto (RJ) - Rated the world ranking
Nacif Elias (MG) - Rated the world ranking
Felipe Costa (SP) - Winner of the final selective
Hugo Pessanha (Brazil) - Rated the world ranking
Tiago Camilo (SP) - Rated the world ranking
Bruno Ferreira (RJ) - Winner of the final selective
* Vacancy undefined by the athlete's injury Felipe Oliveira (SP)
Luciano Correa (Brazil) - Rated the world ranking
Leonardo Leite (RJ) - Rated the world ranking
Renan Nunes (RS) - Winner of the final selective
Alex Aguiar (SP)
+100 Kg
Daniel Hernandez (SP) - Rated the world ranking
Rafael Silva (SP) - Rated the world ranking
Walter Santos (RS) - Winner of the final selective
Leandro Gonçalves (SP)
Sarah Menezes (PI) - Ranked world rankings
Taciana Lima (RS) - Ranked world rankings
Nathália Brígida (MG) - Winner of the final selective
Daniela Polzin (RJ)
Erika Miranda (MG) - Ranked world rankings
Eleudis Valentin (SP) - Winner of the final selective
Andressa Fernandes (SP)
Milena Mendes (SP)
Rafaela Silva (RJ) - Ranked world rankings
Ketleyn Quadros (MG) - Winner of the final selective
Mariana Barros (SP)
Flávia Rodrigues (SP)
Mariana Silva (SP) - Classified as a world ranking
Katherine Campos (RJ) - Winner of the final selective
Camila Minakawa (SP)
Manoela Braga (RS)
Maria Portela (RS) - Winner of the final selective
Natalia Bordginon (RS) - Second placed in the final selective
Nadia Merli (SP)
Glaucia Lima (SP)
Mayra Aguiar (RS) - Ranked world rankings
Samantha Soares (SP) - Winner of the final selective
Deborah Almeida (RJ)
Rosangela Moraes (SC)
+78 Kg
Maria Suellen (SP) - Ranked world rankings
Claudirene Caesar (SP) - Winner of the final selective
Rochelle Nunes (RS)
Aline Puglia (SP)